Women's Self Defence Seminars

One Shot presents Women's Self Defence Seminars for all the ladies who get a little too close for comfort walking around those sketchy little neighbourhoods after a night out. With the crime & stabbing rate going up in London, a lot of us feel like we're unsafe a lot of the time. But never fear, coach Fanos is here! 

Take a 3 hour self defence seminar with a Krav Maga certified instructor, the Functional Approach founder Fanos Antoniou. With a specialisation in helping train women to defend themselves in difficult situations he's been teaching techniques following the following class structure: 

1. Ground Drills 

2. Basic Blocks & Chokes 

3. Wrist Grab Escapes 

4. Choking techniques 

5. Defence from sexual harassment 

6. Techniques for escaping a knife attack

The seminar will be held in Central London ( Zone 1 ) with a detailed map sent out with your confirmation. For any further clarifications feel free to contact us!